Choosing a Vegan Wine Subscription

Choosing a Vegan Wine Subscription

Vegan wine subscriptions are awesome because they enable wine enthusiasts to pay recurring monthly payments to obtain a selection of wines delivered to their doorstep. With a vegan wine subscription, you can enjoy several benefits, including access to the types of wine you prefer rather than relying on what vegan wines are available at your nearby liquor store. You will also have more diversity and choices since you will get access to the best vegan wines prior to them being open to the public.

A vegan wine subscription is a paid membership, and with the increasing number of wine clubs around the world, it is critical that you select the perfect box that will fit your needs, expectations, and tastes. If you're having difficulty choosing a vegan subscription, you've come to the right place. Read on to learn more about finding the right vegan wine subscription.

What makes wine vegan?

Wine is made from grapes and yeast, so it's normal to think that all wines are suitable for vegans; however, this is not the case. The US has approved 76 additives for use in winemaking, and many of them come from animal parts. In fact, 3 additives come from 6 different animal organics, including fish bladders and pig pancreas. These additives are used in the winemaking process to clarify and stabilize wines. 

Vegan wines are created without animal products; thus, wine producers either let the particles settle freely to the bottom of the wine or even use non-animal fining ingredients such as bentonite, a type of clay. Basically, the fining agent employed in the vinification process might determine whether a wine is vegan-friendly.

Finding the right vegan subscription

As previously mentioned, not all wines are vegan-friendly; you should know what to look for when selecting the best vegan wine subscription. Answering these questions will help you get the most out of your wine membership.

Is the wine good for the planet?

In our view, the best vegan wine subscription should provide organically grown, high-quality wine without additives. Natural Wine fits this description. In order for a wine to be considered Natural, wineries and vineyards cannot use chemicals in the farming or winemaking process. In many cases, Natural wine farmers go a step further. They use  decomposing waste to make fertilizers and they save water by not irrigating.

If you want to enjoy high-quality wine that is also natural, learn as much as you can about the wine's origins and the way the grapes are grown. Getting to know the type of wine and how it is produced is essential to make the proper decision and selecting a vegan wine subscription that will provide you with something of high quality.

Are all of their wines offered Vegan?

Next, you should find out if your wine club membership will consist of all vegan wine. Of course, vegan wines are available, but never assume that your wine membership will include only vegan wine. Wine labeling in the US is not required for ingredients or nutritional facts, so wine labels will not tell you what was used in the winemaking process.  As a result, you will find it challenging to find vegan wines on your own. 

Finding the right wine subscription in general

There are some concrete factors that you need to consider when trying to choose the right wine subscription. This is owing to the abundance of wine membership services available today. Thus, keeping a solid foundation is critical to obtaining the best offer.


The cost of a wine club membership varies by club. As a result, some wine clubs may charge as little as $50, while others may charge much more. Consider costs such as taxes, minimum monthly costs, shipping costs, introductory costs, restocking costs for wine clubs that do not provide free replacement, and pre-bottle cost structure. These factors are critical to ensure that you subscribe to a service worth your money.

Never subscribe to anything that is outside your existing budget or lifestyle. Most subscription boxes have different plans, and comparing wine clubs is also a good strategy. However, try to avoid cheap options because, in most cases, a lower price may indicate an inferior quality wine.

Quantity and Shipment Timing

To avoid wine surpluses, determine the number of bottles in each shipment. Also, keep in mind that most wine clubs ship wines with a one-year expiration date, which is very short. Therefore, choose a wine membership that allows you to customize the frequency and quantity of bottles shipped. It would be better if you could find a wine membership that lets you put shipments on hold until the next delivery period.

Wine Quality

Most wine clubs conceal behind a reputable brand or star superstars to deceive unwary wine enthusiasts. This means that not all subscription boxes have the transparency to indicate the contents of wine bottles. But you can have your wine delivered with more than just a bottle. You can sign up for a wine club subscription that includes wines with tasting notes or at least some details.

Even though you aren't concerned about the flavor note, information about the wine itself is crucial because it reflects more on its authenticity. Moreover, a neatly labeled bottle is essential for identifying whether the wine is vegan.

Benefits of Vegan Wine for the environment

Aside from the apparent benefit of being vegan-friendly, vegan wines have other environmental benefits. For instance, because vegan wine is a plant-based diet, it has a substantially lower carbon impact. This is because growing plant-based foods produces fewer emissions of greenhouse gases than farming cattle and dairy. It also helps to conserve water in comparison to the quantity of water required to produce animal-based products.

Choosing a vegan wine also implies that no additional pesticides were employed in the vineyards. Chemicals have a long-term impact on the soil, water supplies, and surrounding animals. Thus, vegan wine is always the best.

Dry Farm Wines is your best wine subscription partner

At Dry Farm Wines, we conveniently deliver the highest quality wine to your door. We make the right vegan wine subscription box for you.

Wine companies are not required to report the additives they use, how they farm, or even the accurate alcohol content on the label. So Dry Farm Wines vets every wine and grower to ensure they meet our strict guidelines. Our lab testing process ensures that all the wines in your box meet our criteria.

  • Sugar-Free
  • Lower Alcohol
  • Lower Sulfites
  • Organically Farmed
  • No Industrial Additives
It is time to become a wine club member! Join a community of wine enthusiasts at Dry Farm wines today by choosing our wine membership.
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